
– Renee Adele Phillips

A friend of mine died last week.
Did You notice?
One more light went out—
did You see it?
There are so many.

Are You paying attention?
So many are suffering, trying to breathe
through grief
and pain
and illness—
the air is thick with heartbreak and need,
and it seems like the earth is pulsing with the prayers
of people just trying to hold on, to stay.
Do You really hear each prayer?
Do You care?
Is it true about every sparrow?
There are so many.

My God. My God.
Have You forsaken us?
Or is this just the price we pay for loving and living–
some kind of divine tradeoff where every gain must come from loss?
Does death touch us just so we’ll grasp the transience of life?
Do we have to lose nearly everything to realize how much we still have?
Does the world have to burn to make us grateful for snow?
Can there be purpose without pain? Strength without suffering?
Does every hallelujah have to be broken?
There are so many.

And still. From You—only silence.
If I never get answers, can I go on?
Can I keep looking up to You when I wonder if You even see me?
I can.
I will.
I choose to.
In Your silence, I will remember Your voice.
In what feels like Your absence, I will wait to once again feel Your presence.
In my heartbreak, I will find a hallelujah.
In the darkness, I will look for the light of Your beauty.
And in the pain of loss, I will hold on to the gifts You’ve given me—
there are so many.

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Comments 6

  1. Sparrow, I ache for your loss. Hard to understand a loss, an unexpected loss. I grieve with you. Remembering losses in my life, young friends, gone, in the “blink of an eye”. Friends who died during military action, car wrecks, illness, I pray for you, their families. Keep looking to “Our Lord”, not for answers, but for strength. As always, you, Monty, your family are in my prayers. Right now, you are wounded, but I pray you will be “flying high”, soon. Love ya, keep the faith. TexGen😇🙏❤️

    1. TexGen–thank you so much for your kind and understanding words. And for your prayers. You clearly understand loss–which makes me sad for you. Thank you for these words of yours–“Keep looking to our Lord, not for answers, but for strength.” That’s a gamechanger in my relationship with God. Thank you so much. Love and blessings to you and your family, as always.

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