We’ve Got Spirit

There are certain words that I can’t say on this page. If I do, most of you will never read this post. So I will trust that you, my readers, are smart enough to understand what I mean when I say that last Tuesday night, Monty and I watched a spirited argument between two men. Our three cats watched it with us and wanted to try having a spirited argument of their own. (Well, Mackin asked to listen and not argue.) So Carrick and Seamus came up with three topics they wanted to argue about while Mackin and I listened. This is a transcript of their spirited argument.

Me: Before you two start, remember the rule—
Seamus, where are you going?

Seamus: This feels just like school.
I don’t like rules; they ruin the fun—

Me: Well, that’s just too bad. And you only have one:
You’ll be nice to each other or I’ll call a timeout.
Are you both ready to start and see how this turns out?

Carrick: No, Mommy, stop! You’re doing it wrong!
You say, “Let’s get ready to rumble” to move it along!

Me: Let’s get ready to ruuuuuuumble! Seamus, you’re first.
Carrick, don’t argue; it’s by order of birth.

Seamus: I want to be called His Highness so—

Me: People in Hades want ice water. No.

Seamus: Fine. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad you are here—
Wait, what is that? Do I see an ear?
Is Carrick on a box? Is he wearing Mom’s heels?
We’re almost at eye level. What’s the deal?

Carrick: Yes, I am small! It’s not worth denying
But I have the speed of a cheetah and the heart of a lion.
Now let’s get this going with the first topic we chose:
Seasonal collars—are we for or opposed?

Seamus: I’m for them. I love them. Every month there’s a new one—
I enjoy each new theme; I always look handsome.

Carrick: Well, I do not like them! Mommy, listen to me—
This one has ghosts and pumpkins; it’s so beneath me!
I had an Irish one once, and I wore it with pride.
But these holiday ones? I can’t like them. I’ve tried!
This Halloween one makes me look like a clown
Why does Seamus get one that looks like a crown?

Seamus: Insolent ruffian! You just can’t bear it:
I’ve got on a crown, and you’ll never wear it.

Me: Timeout—

Carrick: Mackin, I’m sorry, but this you should know:
Your collar’s like mine—in the dark, the ghosts glow!

Mackin: NO!

Me: Okay, let’s move on. What’s the next topic you chose?

Carrick: We want to decide where the extra money goes!

Me: What extra money? You should be grateful for this!

Seamus: Oh, good lord, woman! This can’t be all there is.
There has to be money hiding somewhere;
We’d like a piece of it—our own little share.
I want to spend it on expanding the bedroom—
I need a king size bed for more paw and elbow room.

Carrick: We have one of those; we don’t need another!

Seamus: Oh, I need a new one just for me and my mother.

Carrick: The better investment would be a big catio
Where we could watch birds and I could play with my toad!

Me: This discussion is over; you’re three lucky boys—
You have beds, food, and windows, and plenty of toys.

Carrick: This next topic will come as quite a surprise—
This time, Mommy, we’re all on the same side!
Convincing you and then Daddy is our main intention
We know someone who needs a cat-intervention!
We heard about your friend who wants a cat BAD
But her husband does not, which we think is so sad.

Me: How did you know my friend wanted a cat?

Seamus: Little pitchers, you know. We heard you tell Dad.
Now I shall be playing devil’s advocate,
Voicing the husband’s objections in this little skit.
He thinks we’re destructive; he’s seen the holes in our blinds.

Carrick: We’ll find a lady cat who’s nice and refined!

Seamus: He doesn’t want scratches on his furniture—

Carrick: What do you mean his? It’s also hers!

Mackin: Ooh, Carrick, that’s a good one—

Carrick: Yes, but hold your applause.
I’m on a roll here; if you agree, raise your paws.

Seamus: He says there will be cat hair all over their home.

Carrick: Yes, but when he’s at work, she won’t be alone!

Seamus: He doesn’t want cat hair all over his clothes.

Carrick: I bet he’d like a cat on his feet, warming his toes.

Me: Do you have a plan for how to pull this off?

Seamus: Yes! We find a quiet lady cat to go and adopt.

Me: You know that my friend lives five hours from me.

Carrick: That’s not a problem! Daddy can drive an RV!
We’ll spend the five hours telling the new cat what we know
We’ll prepare her with a list of cat do’s and cat don’ts.
This time, Mackin, you can’t ride next to me.
You throw up on my head and climb me like a tree.

Me: So you’re all in agreement, all three of you brothers?

Carrick: Every person needs a cat;

Seamus: Every cat needs a mother!
Wait! Are we done? Carrick is running!

Carrick: Oops! You’re too slow—
You didn’t see me coming!

Seamus: You better run, little bro, far far from me,
Or I’ll pack you off by yourself in an RV.

Me: Looks like we’re done. What’d you think, Mackin?

Mackin: I need my dad. I don’t know what just happened.

“When a cat speaks, it’s because it has something to say, unlike humans who are the great refuse containers of speech.”V.L. Allineare

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Comments 8

  1. This post made me laugh so much! A genuine laugh is always good for the heart!!! I ♥️ Carrick, Seamus and Mackin’s stand on every person having a cat!!! You boys are wise indeed!!! Lots of love from the Galindo’s!! By the way, our family has grown by two more furry kitties! Carrick, Mackin and Seamus, say hi to Maddie and Myla!!!

    1. Estela–I’m so happy it made you laugh! Hello to Maddie and Myla–two lucky new girls in the Galindo family! My boys say hello and think they would enjoy a playdate with all your kitties, especially the girls. ❤

  2. Once again I enjoyed a good laugh, about a sad situation. I keep asking myself is really the best we can do for leaders of our country. Like the bumper sticker I saw the other day “were are the real candidates”, good for a laugh if it wasn’t so serious.
    Please keep the humor coming, we all need a good laugh.

    1. Grover–I agree about the sad situation. And you’re right–it would be funny if it weren’t such a serious time. I’m glad this made you laugh. Thank you for your encouragement. Stay healthy and warm! ❤

  3. Sparrow, loved this blog. Had to read it couple of times. I feel bad, that your Super Smart Cats, had to endure that piece of wasted “prime time tv.” You and Monty, you couple of “tube” devotees, I understand. The “prime time”, “parody”, quite “farcical” at best. Your cats, analysis, “spot on”. Two grown participants, seeking the highest elected office in. The Land. You could have added “our Golden Boy, aka Bradley, to your home studio audience. In closing, I am glad you did not use any “foul language”. Very creative blog, Sparrow. Keep on blogging. Love ya, TexGen❤️

    1. TexGen–Yes, the boys had to endure that hour and a half of TV along with the rest of America. I’m sorry Bradley had to watch, too. Thank you for your very kind words–I’m glad you enjoyed this one. Love and prayers to you. ❤

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