Autumn Journal Entry

This past Saturday, I was feeling down—it had been a long week, and I was sad about some personal issues I was struggling with. The beauty that is October has always been able to mend a thousand little breaks in my heart and lift my spirits. So Monty and I decided to take a road trip. The entire drive was drenched in autumn color—with every mile, my heart filled with beauty, and my spirit lifted in gratitude.

Here in Colorado, there’s usually one perfectly golden October day before the wind sweeps through and strips the trees of their leaves. Saturday was that perfect day—a day for looking up. Monty and I had a picnic in a park we found, and as we ate, the golden leaves fluttered down around us. We also had an impromptu lunch concert. Somewhere nearby, someone was playing a trumpet. The trumpet player knew two songs—“Amazing Grace” and Petula Clark’s “Downtown.” Correction—he knew the first verse of those two songs. This is what the trumpet player played, again and again:
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch—”
And then he stopped. And went on to,
“When you’re alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go downtown—“

He never did get past “wretch” or “downtown;” he just played those parts over and over. It was odd. It made us laugh. It was perfect. And neither Monty nor I will ever hear “Downtown” again without thinking of that golden October picnic.

On the way home, we drove through a little town that had red trees. I’ve never seen color like that in Colorado—I’ve seen intense golds and sometimes deep oranges, but true red is a rarity. I thought of the line from “Amazing Grace” that the trumpet player never got around to playing: “Was blind, but now I see.” I wondered if the red had always been there, but I hadn’t seen it before because I hadn’t needed such beauty the way I did on Saturday.

When we got home, the cats were waiting for us. We decided to watch a movie, and they were spellbound by it. I’ll let them tell you about it:

Mackin: We watched a horror movie!

It wasn’t a horror movie. But I suppose I should clarify. It was “That Darn Cat,” a Disney movie from the sixties starring Dean Jones and Hayley Mills. You’ve probably seen it, but if you haven’t, it’s about a cat who helps to solve a bank robbery and kidnapping by going out at night and making his rounds to different places—the FBI follows him in order to find the bank robbers. The cat in the movie is Siamese, so the constant caterwauling entranced the boys. Now I’ll let them tell you about it:

Mackin: I didn’t like it! It scared me to death!

Carrick: It wasn’t scary! Take a deep breath.

Mackin: There was a gun and screaming and a cat with no dad!

Carrick:  But the cat had a mom and had fun being bad!
I would love to go out and be naughty at night!

Seamus: No, you would not, you impudent sprite.
You’re little and spoiled—you’d be lost with no clue.

Carrick:  You think I’m spoiled? Bro, what about you?

Seamus: Oh, I’m spoiled all right; I’m not going out there.

Carrick:  But think of the fun we could have as a pair!
We could solve mysteries and explore the town.

Seamus: I’ve seen it through the window; I’d rather lie down.

Carrick:  I’d love to scare dogs and scale some fences!

Seamus: You’d better think twice about consequences—
you’ll get stuck on a fence or chased up a tree;
you’re way too small to scare anything.

Carrick:  I’m just small enough to sneak around
but just big enough to stand my ground!

Seamus: For such a small cat, you have an awfully big mouth!

Carrick:  If I want to be heard, I have to be loud!

Seamus: In the movie there were puddles and dirt in the street.

Carrick:  I’d sidestep them neatly with my quick little feet!

Seamus: And what would you do for food and for drink?

Carrick:  I’d steal fish, then I’d come home for treats!

Seamus: That’s a point in your favor—you’re an excellent thief
and if you’re stealing from others, you won’t steal from me.

Mackin:  But Carrick, I’d miss you if you went out at night!

Seamus: Good lord, I wouldn’t! I could sleep and not fight.

Carrick:  Mackin, don’t worry! I’ll always come back!

Seamus: Aren’t you forgetting about our Mom and our Dad?
Do you think they would let you wander the streets?
I would, of course, but it’s not up to me.

Carrick:  They wouldn’t know; I’d wait for my shot—

Seamus: Mackin would tattle, and you would get caught.

Carrick:  Mackin, would you tell and ruin my good time?

Mackin: Yes I sure would! And I’d save your life!

Carrick:  I guess I’ll settle for watching the movie,
but in my dreams I’ll be outside cruising.
At least the movie saved us from the news again

Seamus: And “Hamilton”—ad nauseam, ad infinitum.

Carrick:  Seamus, can we hunt now and play downstairs?

Seamus: Yes, but I shall wait and catch you unawares.

Carrick:  Mackin, are you coming? Let’s run like mad!

Mackin:  No! I’m going to stay here and sit with my dad.

“Look around, look around at how lucky
we are to be alive right now.”

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Comments 10

  1. Sparrow, I am so thankful, you picked “the perfect day”. I get a beautiful visualization of that glorious Colorado day. That, is enough to “soothe the soul”. Being an “east coaster”, I remember My Dad, taking a “fall spin” to New England. “Glorious changing of the leaf colors”. Two pretty good “tunes” that trumpet player played. Amazing Grace, always in my top 5, hymns..”;Downtown a terrific top 40 tune, in the “60’s”. Now, the movie, took my 2 oldest ,back in the day to see it. Maybe if they remade it, Bradley or one of your talented “felines”, would get a “lead role”. Another wonderful” blog, Sparrow. Your “creativity, honest, heart rendering Blogs, the best. Keep on blogging, love ya.❤️TexGen

    1. TexGen–Yes, we did pick the perfect day, and it was an excellent “soul soother.” You must have grown up seeing such beautiful fall colors. Monty and I want to take a leaf-peeping tour someday. I certainly do think that Bradley and Carrick would be excellent choices for a remake of the movie. And I’m not biased at all. 😊 Thank you so much for your faithful reading and encouraging words. Love and prayers to you. ❤

  2. Good morning! Today I went outside with the dogs early this morning and the weather is definitely changing, a little breezy indeed! I came back in to make myself a big cup of Lemon, ginger tea! Although I love the dog days of summer, breezy nights and mornings are always welcomed!!! Seamus, Carrick and Mackin , the Galindo family has a Siamese cat named Skippy, he’s a scaredy-cat and I’m pretty sure he would never go outside to go on an adventure!! TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, it’s beautiful time to look at the beauty of life!!🤗♥️🐾🐾🐈

    1. Estela! I’m so happy to find you here! I, too, love the summer, but you’re right–these cooler mornings are welcome. Mackin, Carrick, and Seamus would love to meet Skippy. Carrick might encourage him to be more of an adventurer. 😊 Thank you for adding to the beauty of my life. ❤

      1. Hello Renee! I deleted my FB account but I missed reading your posts! My sister suggested to google “ Poetic Blessings” Like the older sister I am, I listened to my baby sister! I was sooooooo HAPPY to find you!!!

  3. Great post, nothing like the beauty of fall in the north, I miss that color, but down here everything stays green in the winter, they even mow their yards in January, at times it just seems strange tell I hear about the snow in the north then I am thankful I am here.
    I always wished you could just freeze the color of the fall leafs and leave the color on the trees all year.
    How wonderful that you could hear the trumpet on a fall afternoon with all the color on the trees, awesome.
    Looking forward to your next post.
    Grover ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍

    1. Grover–
      I would miss the fall colors if I were in Florida, but I don’t think Monty would miss the snow shoveling. It’s so strange to think of people mowing their lawns in January! I, too, wish I could freeze the beauty of the fall leaves. I really do believe that God put that trumpet player, strange though it was, in that park just at that time. It was, to borrow your word, quite wonderful. Thank you for once again reading my words. ❤

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