The Best Medicine

It would be an understatement to say that I have a tendency to be melancholy sometimes.  But I’m working on it.  As we say in recovery, “Progress, not perfection.”  I hope that I’m making some progress towards not being so serious all the time.  Last week, I decided to change the way I wrote in my gratitude journal and, while still writing down the things I was grateful for, I also wrote down the things that had made me laugh.  And in the time frame of about one week, these random incidents happened:

  • A little background on this first one: my brother Adam and I text each other every night.A couple of weeks ago, Adam took his family on a road trip during the same time that Mom, Dad, Monty, and I were on a road trip.We all got home on the same night, but Adam got home first and felt the need to tell me that over and over.I finally responded. My texts are in turquoise:

  • Then there was this text conversation with Monty. He was waiting in line at Walgreens and texted me that the long line was ridiculous.Well, he tried. His texts are on the left:

  • Around two o’ clock yesterday morning, Monty stumbled out of the bedroom, half asleep.As usual, the cats and I were awake. All three cats were looking outside, listening intently. Monty noticed and looked at me, quizzically.

“It’s an odd day,” I said.

Monty stood there, blinking at me, not understanding.

“An odd day,” I said.  “Remember?  You have the sprinklers run on the odd days of the month.  They start at two a.m.  That’s what the cats are hearing.”

Monty shook his head and said, “With you, every day is an odd day.”

  • A few nights ago, Monty and I were reading.The house was quiet.And all of a sudden, we heard a loud bass note.We looked up, and our cat Mackin was sitting on the piano bench like a little virtuoso, using one paw to play that same bass note over and over.We’ve had that piano since before we had Mackin, and he’s never done that.I have no idea what went through his head, deciding at that particular moment to play the piano—but Monty and I just looked at each other and laughed.
  • Yesterday, I saw a post on Facebook where a mother of three little kids asked other moms what funny things they say to their kids.We have three cats, not kids, but here’s a sample of the things Monty and I have said to our boys in the last few days:

“I’m not going to tell you again.  Stop licking the toilet.”

“If you sneeze on my computer screen again, you’re going to have to sit in the corner.”

“I want you to use the brains God gave you and rethink what you’re about to do.”

“Mommy loves you so much.  But I’m going to need you to do a better job of cleaning your bottom.”

“Seriously!  No sneezing on my screen!”

“We do NOT chew books.  Ever.  Especially poetry.”

“Why are there spiders in here?  There are three of you!”

“Nope.  Get out of the trash.  Dental floss is not a toy.”

“Dude.  Why are you sleeping with your face in my slipper?”

“Stop eating the carpet!”

“If you’re going to barf, don’t do it on the window.”

“Ow!  That’s my ponytail, not a toy!  You can’t steal it, Carrick; it’s attached to my head.”

“Please stop staring at me.  It’s disconcerting.”

“That’s an olive, not a soccer ball.  And where did you get it?”

“If I wasn’t too tired to get up right now, you’d be in trouble.”

“I love you, Mackin, but your tail has to stop smacking me in the face.”

“Ok, which one of you hoodlums ate the toilet paper?”

“I can’t focus with you staring at me.”

“This is my desk, not a jungle gym.”

“You bit my toe!  I thought you loved me!”

“I’m not a walking treat bag, you know.”

“I’m not in the mood to break up a cat fight right now.”

“How did you get up there?”

“Why is your face soaking wet?”

“Who ate my orchid?”

“Why are there so many of you?”  (Monty said that one, NOT me.)

Life is funny.  It’s also hard.  It can break your heart.  And sometimes it does, over and over.  I think God gave us laughter to mend our broken places.  To lighten us up.  To remind us that there’s good in life, even when we’re hurting.  And I don’t know about you, but I would much rather hurt from laughing than from crying.

“Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it.” L.M. Montgomery, “Anne of Green Gables”

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Comments 14

  1. I needed a good laugh today and you delivered it! Thanks for the uplifting post! And it is so true that every day is an odd day with you. And that’s a good thing!! Love you!

    1. Monty–You deserve a laugh! You’re teaching me to find laughter day after day–odd or even. 😊 Thank you for that. I love you. ❤

  2. I love the “I Love to Laugh” song in Mary Poppins! Seeing a new blog post from you during a busy week is always a breath of fresh air, is a highlight of my day and always makes me so happy!! Thanks for your ministry of writing and blessing those who read your words. God bless you today. ❤️

  3. Laughter is the best medicine for sure! I loving hearing your stories and what makes you laugh! Laughing is so much better than crying. Thanks for this lighthearted blog post, my friend! I needed to laugh. What you say to your boys is the best! My family plays a game where you all lay on the ground with your head on the person’s stomach who is beside you. Each person takes a turn and laughs out loud, you continue around the circle and eventually everyone is laughing. It is a fun game and does not take long to laugh! You make me smile Renee. Thanks for listening to the Spirit and writing what is on your heart. It is always what I need to hear. ❤️

    1. Melanie–you’re so welcome. I’m glad you liked it! I like the story about your family and the laughing game. It reminded me of the scene from “Mary Poppins” where they’re singing “I love to laugh. ” Thank you for sharing, and thank you, as always, for reading.

  4. Laughter is the best medicine to heal a hurting soul, always look for the humor a lot of times humor saves the day and your emotions some weise person once said.
    Great blog, sounds like there is never a dull moment at your house😀
    Grover ❤️

    1. Grover–I like that, what you said about laughter healing a hurting soul. And you’re right–never a dull moment! Thank goodness. 😊

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