Christmas Wish

once again
with a thrill
of hope

Your gift.
Once more
we fall on
our knees
before Your
blinding glory,
and the flicker
in our weary
souls fans into
flame. And
when we rise
to return to the
world, we are
ablaze with
Your holy fire,
a reminder
all year long:
There is light
There is hope
There is You.

Wishing you a hope and light-filled Christmas.  May you remember the gift of Emmanuel this season.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year from Monty, me, and the boys.

The Poetic Blessings Blog will return on January 4, 2018.

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Comments 6

  1. Thank you, Renee. Our Christmas Blessings you and Monty. BTW the boys are adorable. If I come to visit you and your mom I will absolutely have to love those boys. Cheri

    1. Thank you for the compliment on our boys. I happen to think they are adorable, too! I would love to see you and introduce you to them. I hope you have a most wonderful Christmas.

  2. A Christmas Wish. Only three words, but what Profound words. The Light from the birth of Baby Jesus. There is Hope. Hope for Peace between all peoples, all nations. The Hope is celebrating Jesus birth, daily. There is You, us, everyone. I would like to add a fourth word. There Is Love. Love ourselves,family, and our Fellow man. It does all start with Love. Think of your fellow man, lend h8m a helping hand. Put A Little Love In Your Heart.(another of my favorite songs’. Renee, I can’t than’ you enough for letting me express what I am feeling inside. You are truly a Blessing sent to us, to help us reflect. God’s love to you, Monty, Mackin and your Family. Hal

    1. Yes; it all starts with love. Thank you for reading, Hal, and commenting so insightfully. I hope you know that YOU are a blessing to me. And I’m so glad that you’re finding a way to express your feelings. Mostly, I’m just very happy that you are my friend.

  3. Oh my goodness, so sweet and so cute. Perhaps you could make your poem into a cross? It would make an awesome statement? Sorry, not complaining, just could see it in a cross form. Many blessings to you and your family–love to all!

    1. Post

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